Complete your protest and mail it to the IRS address on the letter that explains your appeal rights. A letter of appeal is more effective when it's written concisely and contains complete information that can help the IRS gauge the validity of your protest.Send your protest to the IRS address in the letter you received within the time limit specified in the letter. Please watch the 2023 version! To do this, you must complete and submit IRS Form 12203, Request for Appeals Review. You may file an appeal either with the Georgia Tax Tribunal or in the appropriate superior court within 30 days from the issued date on the official assessment. Sending an IRS audit reconsideration request? This form is to be used to request an Appeals review upon completion of an examination (audit) if you do not agree with our proposed changes from the audit. It is essential to submit your property tax appeal to the County Board of Tax Assessors within 45 days from the date the Assessment Notice was sent. After the audit, you'll have formal appeal rights, including the right to appeal our decision in the United States Tax Court before you have to pay the.