Letter 6419 includes: Number of qualifying children used to calculate advance payments, and repayment protection when filing your 2021 federal tax return. The Child Tax Credit helps families with qualifying children get a tax break.You may be able to claim the credit even if you don't normally file a tax return. No, an individual may be a dependent of only one taxpayer for a tax year. You can claim a child as a dependent if he or she is your qualifying child. The Georgia return must be filed along with a copy of Federal. Form 4868 or the IRS confirmation letter on or before the extended Federal due date. You can find the CP or LTR number on the right corner of the letter. This video is all about how to fill out the G-4 form (Georgia Tax Withholding) in 2021. Dependents in 2020: First and last name, SSN, relationship to you.