The IRS Online Payment Agreement system lets you apply and receive approval for a payment plan to pay off your balance over time. Use Form 9465 to request a monthly installment plan if you cannot pay the full amount you owe shown on your tax return (or on a notice we sent you).You may request a payment plan (including an installment agreement) using the OPA application. You'll receive an acceptance letter in the mail with payment details. These IRS Tax letters provide you an explanation of the tax, penalty, and interest still due on your account. Please pay the amount in full as soon as possible. Use Form 9465 to request a monthly installment agreement (payment plan) if you can't pay the full amount you owe shown on your tax return. This article discusses five methods that can be used to file Form 9465 as well as what states have an installment agreement request form in Drake Tax. To apply, you can submit IRS Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request. Payment plans (also referred to as Installment Agreements) are one of your options if you can't pay your taxes in full when they're due.