Information you need to know if you received a notification that IRS is auditing (examining) your tax return. If a tax return is filed, the Comptroller has the authority to audit it. Sec. 13-101.The Comptroller may examine or audit a tax return. Sec. 13-302. Example audit letters from the IRS and state taxing agencies. The Comptroller's Office will call or write taxpayers to schedule audits. Prepare your responses to IRS questions. Tax audit letters will include your name, tax ID number or Social Security number, employee ID number, address and contact information. Look up your notice under "Collection Notices" to learn more about a notice you may have received. The IRS may send a taxpayer or business a letter or notice, including needing additional information, notice of an audit, or an unpaid tax bill. If you agree with the notice, fill out, sign and mail the response form to the IRS.