1. File a paper return. Print out and mail your return, claiming your dependent, to the IRS.To claim the credit, you must complete Part K of Form 502CR and attach to your Maryland income tax return. We sent you this notice because we received a tax return from another taxpayer claiming a dependent or qualifying child with the same Social Security number. See IRS Publication 501 for more details. Note: This form also applies to some tax benefits, including the child tax credit, additional child tax credit, and credit for other dependents. Taxpayers with dependents who don't qualify for the Child Tax Credit may be able to claim the Credit for Other Dependents. The Maryland earned income tax credit (EITC) will either reduce or eliminate the amount of the state and local income tax that you owe. Fill in your actual or estimated adjusted gross income for the year you wrote in the "tax year" box. Amount, you should not fill out this form even if you experienced a life-changing event.