Example audit letters from the IRS and state taxing agencies. IRS Letter 2205-A indicates our member's 1040 tax return was selected for an examination in the area Gross Receipts.Many audits, known as desk audits, are straightforward and can be completed quickly via letters between the Department and the taxpayer. These are just a few examples of a sample audit letter from the IRS. Generally, DOR may audit a return at any time within three years of the date the return was due or was actually filed, whichever is later. If you decide to request audit reconsideration, please send your request to the address of the IRS campus shown on your Examination Report listed below. If. Tax audit letters will include your name, tax ID number or Social Security number, employee ID number, address and contact information. Did you receive an IRS notice or letter? Search for your notice or letter to learn what it means and what you should do. If you agree with the notice, fill out, sign and mail the response form to the IRS.