For example, a letter that simply states "Enclosed is correspondence of John. Add an enclosure notation after your signature at the end of the letter, and abbreviate it with "Enc." or "Encl.A cover letter enclosure is a document you include with a physical cover letter, such as a resume or letter of recommendation. In this article, we explain what an enclosure is and how to cite one, and we provide an example of an enclosure in a business letter. A business letter is a formal letter. Unlike a résumé or cover letter, it can be more than one page, and is likely to contain six parts. Window envelopes eliminate the cost of addressing envelopes and the risk of putting letters in the wrong envelopes. To format letters for use with window. This page briefly explains why the Michigan Department of Treasury contacted you. You can arrange a letter in a full-block, semiblock, or simplified format.