Complete your protest and mail it to the IRS address on the letter that explains your appeal rights. This form is to be used to request an Appeals review upon completion of an examination (audit) if you do not agree with our proposed changes from the audit.When the request for an appeal has been submitted, your documentation will be assigned to an examiner for review. Appeal Guidelines: You must clearly demonstrate a change in the family's financial situation occurred either during the 2020 tax year or later. Purpose of this form: You can use this form to appeal a Letter 4890 Notice of Denial or a Letter 5015 Notice of Revocation of your IRS-approved. A list of questions and answers concerning the filing of Board of Equalization Appeals for the Montgomery County Appraisal Department. To submit a FOIA request or FOIA administrative appeal to OIP, please visit the Submit and Track a Request or Appeal page. Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency. Kathleen Kerrigan, Chief Judge. The landlord does not fill out this form.