In phone number and conference ID along with detailed hearing instructions will be provided, via email, up to 2 days prior to your scheduled hearing. Fill out all required form fields, select the type of letter requested, and follow step-by-step instructions to submit.Step Two: Application Review. You may contact Undergraduate Admissions at (248) 370-3360 to speak with an admissions adviser. It is important that you complete the bolded fields in the table below to assist with expediting your request. The following template can be used when writing requests regarding pieces of technology including but not limited to the following: This form will help you create a letter to send to your landlord. A very direct and simple approach to contacting and communicating with your City Council Member is sampled below. Includes your name, complete address, your email address, and your telephone number(s). If sent to you from a specific person; please email the form directly back to that person for efficiency, unless stated otherwise.