This book provides IELTS General Training candidates with 51 model letters to help them prepare for Task 1 of the writing module. Below is an IELTS letter with a sample answer which is estimated at band score 9 and is personal rather than formal.Get access to the informal letter samples associated with an IELTS general writing task 1 and boost up your IELTS preparation to study abroad. Essential IELTS Letter Writing Tips for General Training. In the computer-delivered IELTS your writing task 1 and writing task 2 should be no different in terms of content from the paper-based IELTS. Useful Tips for IELTS Writing Task 1(Letter Writing). You can select from Formal, Informal, or Semi-Formal letters in the IELTS General Writing Task 1. There is actually something called semi-formal. You don't need to write any addresses, but that is the same for the paper-based IELTS. A number of our students have started after completing a BA degree.