To correct your return, you must give us your daughter's correct name, social security number, and date of birth. Essentially, you write a written request to the Appeals Office, noted in the letter, saying who you are and why you disagree with the examiner's findings.Find out everything you need to about your IRS notice, your IRS tax letter, IRS forms, and anything else you need to know. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed guide on the steps involved in writing a letter to the IRS. This IRM provides guidance for report writing that examiners should understand and apply in the performance of their duties. The IRS will send you a CP2000 notice when they have additional income source information that was not included in your original tax filing. A PDF example of an IRS Form 9297 can be found here. What Do I Fill Out on IRS Form 9297? I received 3 of these letters last year. A few days after my third letter, my refund came through and it was exactly as I filed and expected.