If you are filing a current year Form 1065, mark the appropriate name change box on the form: Page 1, Line G, Box 3. Learn how to change your business name with the IRS.The first step is to file a form called the Amendment to Certificate of Organization with the Division of Corporations and wait for it to be approved. If you've changed your legal or business name, you might need to notify the IRS or the Social Security Administration (SSA). In order to change your LLC name with the IRS, you'll need to mail them a letter and show proof of the state approving your LLC name change. File form TC-69C, Notice of Change for a Tax Account, or notify the Tax Commission in writing. Example: Enter as: De Pine, DE PINE. These steps thoroughly break down the LLC formation process in the Beehive State. Step 1: Choose your business name. What is an exemption certificate?