If you are filing a current year Form 1065, mark the appropriate name change box on the form: Page 1, Line G, Box 3. You don't have to mail a special letter to the IRS to change your LLC name.Use Form 8822-B to notify the Internal. Revenue Service if you changed your business mailing address, your business location, or the identity of your. The namechange letter should clearly state that your business name has changed. Name change requests can be submitted online through your online PTIN account or in writing along with a copy of documentation supporting the change. You have to mail your business name change request to the mailing address in which you would have to send your tax return. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts The Texas Comptroller's office is the state's chief tax collector, accountant, revenue estimator and treasurer. Send the form and payment to: IRS Tax Professional PTIN Processing Center. The landlord does not fill out this form.