An attached sample letter has been provided to assist our customer. Learn how to write and send an email with an attachment, and review our tips and examples to help you prepare your own email.So, if we are applying for all five functional areas, we would fill out section 1 of Attachment A and section 1 of Attachment B five times each, correct? The reimbursable gap request is to be provided on the Gap Request Form, RFP Attachment A, Part 10 and in the Pro Forma, RFP Attachment A, Part 11. INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide complete and accurate Form Y-9 information. A complete address is always required. PROPOSAL COVER PAGE (USE ATTACHMENT A). The Proposal Cover Page must be a clear, well written executive summary that summarizes the. All applicants are required to submit the Personal History Statement (PHS), attachments, and all required documents in person prior. Project Narrative File(s). The membership application is attached to this letter.