Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino. Online Form Preparation and eFiling, Pay a Traffic Ticket, Probate Notes, Remote Access Resource List, Self-Help Resources, Forms and RulesYour name, address and telephone number should be included in the heading and should match the style and format to the header used on your resume. Date. Find forms, samples and fees for most business entity filings here. Fill out an application, either at our office or online (under quick links above). Call the coronavirus public information line at (909) 387-3911. 5th Street, 4th Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415. Via Mail: You can request a complaint form be mailed to your place of residence. A student may enroll in a course for audit only if they have not enrolled in that course for credit during the same semester. Are you new to the neighborhood or just want to find your local Association?