If the defendant is served outside Utah, they must file an answer within 30 calendar days after service. You will be given an opportunity to submit an affidavit called a "cure letter" that allows you to affirm that your signature is correct.Interested persons must complete and sign a Waiver of Notice form to indicate their approval of the personal representative. Include as many relevant details as possible, such as dates, times, locations, and any evidence you have that supports your claims. Introduce yourself in terms of your most relevant qualification, e.g. Under the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act, §63-2-101 et seq. County clerks will start mailing out ballots beginning Tuesday, October 15, 2024. The last day to request a mail ballot is 5 p.m. Fill Out the Date of the Letter: Specify the date of the rejection letter. Commas set off the year in a complete date: May 3, 2013, marked Utah Tech's first commencement ceremony as a university.