To make the process easier, start with a sample letter to the IRS to waive penalties and then customize it with your own details. Find out about the IRS First Time Penalty Abatement policy and if you qualify for administrative relief from a penalty.The following pages contain templates to request penalty abatement on behalf of your clients when certain criteria are met. Learn the 5 steps that tax resolution specialists must use to craft and submit a successful IRS First Time Penalty Abatement letter. You may qualify for penalty relief if you tried to comply with tax laws but were unable due to circumstances beyond your control. In this video I'll be showing you exactly how to request to the IRS to remove those penalties and interest for you. This sample letter template is designed to assist CPAs thru the penalty abatement process in answering IRS notices on Hurricane. The IRS has some tax penalty abatement (ie, waiver) options that might be available to you. If you qualify, all or part of your penalty can be erased. Supporting documentation where applicable.