Pension trustees may undertake a bulk transfer of members' accrued rights without their consent provided certain legislative requirements are fulfilled. This worksheet explains the two different ownership change process options, the steps the existing license holder and new applicant must follow.This note considers the issues arising on the bulk transfer of members' accrued pension rights from occupational pension schemes. The regulatory guidance is a useful manual for trustees to follow if a DC transfer is being considered. Got them, and put them in a secure, five. 9 gallon receptacle. The regulatory guidance is a useful manual for trustees to follow if a DC transfer is being considered. Additionally, this position will provide input on capital projects and maintenance practices at the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC). The Data Science AS degree program can be completed in four semesters. These amendments, set out in new regulations 12(1B) and 12(7)-(10) of the.