Pension trustees may undertake a bulk transfer of members' accrued rights without their consent provided certain legislative requirements are fulfilled. Most transactions are available via the online portal, SilverFlume, and will be processed the same day for no additional charge.The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is a compilation of policy statements concerning the internal operations of State government. Transfer Agents located in the State of Nevada are required to be licensed with the Division pursuant to NRS 90.310. Nevada's bulk transfer laws were repealed many years ago. Notices and Plans of Operations. In accordance with the 43 CFR 3809 regulations, reclamation bonds are required for both plans of operations and notices. CDL Self-Certification Form to identify where you are driving a commercial vehicle. The official website of the Federal Trade Commission, protecting America's consumers for over 100 years. Submit requests for authorizations from the Authorizations tile in the Magellan of Nevada Payer Space in Availity Essentials.