Noncompete agreements in Arizona are perfectly legal and will be enforced when they meet certain conditions. One of the most common questions I get from business owners is whether or not NonCompete Agreements are legal.Yes, in Arizona they are! The rule bans all noncompete agreements for almost all workers, regardless of title, job function, or compensation, after the effective date. Learn more about non-compete agreements in Arizona and how our team of employment attorneys can help you draft, enforce, or dispute a non-compete agreement. Non-compete agreements must be narrowly tailored so that they do not exceed reasonably necessary steps to protect the employer's legitimate interest. In summary, noncompete agreements are legal in Arizona, but do have limitations. I signed a non compete agreement for a start up in AZ with the corporate office based out of Nevada and have recently. To get out of a non-compete agreement in Arizona, an employee must prove that the contract is unreasonable or does not protect a legitimate business purpose. Arizona law concerning noncompetes is complex.