As a vendor or contractor, you must register online to do business with the City through the Payee Information Portal (PIP). Submit an inquiry to the MOCS Service Desk.Click "Submit" on the "Final Review" screen to submit your completed and signed Individual Volunteer (301a) Form. Below is information about DCP, the policies we operate under as well as the process to request a negotiated services for non-routine procurements. Vendors and schools may call the Vendor Hotline with questions about working with the DOE or making purchases with new vendors. I have read the Volunteer Services Agreement and confirm that has my permission to participate as a volunteer in the program described for the. Region. (Date). Fill out the form here and someone will contact you about available volunteer opportunities as soon as possible. In order to obtain a CUNY Vendor ID, selected contractors must complete and submit a CUNY Substitute W9 Form. Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms if they are selected. 1. Montefiore Medical Group.