Non-compete agreements in Florida are legal tools designed to protect legitimate business interests, ensuring that businesses can safeguard their trade secrets. Stay informed about Non-Compete Agreements in the workplace.Learn about your rights and responsibilities as an employer or employee with our helpful guide. Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. Fort Lauderdale business attorney for violations of non-compete, non-disclosure, and restrictive covenants in Broward County, FL. Call 754-332-2101 today. Noncompete agreements are recognized and enforceable under Florida law. Florida Statute 542.335 provides standards for enforceable non-compete agreements. Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale and Miami non-compete lawyer who regularly represents clients in non-compete litigation. If your business needs more information about noncompete agreements, contact a Dania Beach business attorney for details. Our network of business, employment and training partners are dedicated to helping companies throughout Broward County grow.