It is most likely a company that is in whole or part in the same business as the business you just worked in. The Federal Trade Commission yesterday banned noncompete agreements for most U.S. workers, saying that they stifle wages.The agreement would basically prevent them from leaving and opening their own bakery within 6 months and not allow them to use any of my recipes. Competitors are required to display A-4 and a choice of A-1, A-2, or A-3. Noncompete agreements are contracts between an employer and an employee that are typically signed at the start of their business relationship. Student competitors will be assigned a workspace in a kitchen. No instructors, parents or assistants are allowed in the competition kitchens. How California Employers Have Handled Competition in the Absence of NonCompete Agreements. Updated February 15, 2023. No substitutions for items in the basket can be made.