Essentially, noncompete clauses limit an employee's opportunity to excel in whatever skill or trade they're familiar with. A noncompetition agreement is a binding contract between the employer and employee that stops the employee for working for a competitor for a period of time.Compete in Ohio is a contract between an employer and an employee that states that the employee cannot compete with the employer after termination. The Federal Trade Commission took steps in January to effectively eliminate noncompete contracts. This article gives an overview of Ohio law on non-competes and provides insight on how courts may uphold the enforceability of such provisions. The Federal Trade Commission proposed a new rule that would ban employers from imposing noncompetes on their workers. At Spitz, The Employee's Law Firm, we help employees throughout Ohio fight unfair noncompete contracts. FTC Non-Compete Ban: What You Need to Know. I live in a 2 million metro area, so 50 miles is definitely is unreasonable.