Our Charlotte employment law attorneys have extensive experience assisting employees with the negotiation, drafting, and litigation of non-competes. Noncompete agreements are not viewed favorably under North Carolina law.For a noncompete to be valid, the worker must be an exempt employee making at least three times the fair minimum wage. Explore the enforceability of North Carolina non-compete agreements, focusing on the "blue-pencil" rule and reasonable time and territory limits. North Carolina law allows courts to strike through unreasonable portions of a non-compete clause and uphold the remainder of the agreement. Many noncompetes prohibit employees from performing any job whatsoever for a competitor. These agreements are very likely to be unenforceable. On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a final rule (the Rule) that would ban almost all noncompetition agreements in the United States. 1. Solicitation Procedures. Simplified Acquisition.