Non-compete agreements may be enforceable under Michigan so long as certain requirements are met. In order to be enforceable, Michigan non compete agreements must reasonably restrict employee mobility, and must protect a legitimate business interest.A noncompetition agreement also known as a noncompete agreement or noncompete clause is a stipulation often found in employee contracts. Are non-compete or non-solicitation agreements enforceable in Michigan? Michigan courts will enforce noncompetes that are "reasonable. A noncompete agreement is a contract between two parties, an employer and an employee. Both parties have a duty to hold up their end of the bargain. Although covenants not to compete are generally unenforceable in some states, in Michigan, they are allowed with reasonable limitations. Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. It has been the longestablished practice of Michigan courts to enforce overbroad noncompetition provisions contained in contracts for the sale of a business.