We represent individuals who are burdened with overly-restrictive non-competition agreements and help negotiate for more favorable terms. Courts do in fact enforce non-compete agreements if the employer can meet the requisite legal standards.On December 22, 2023, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul vetoed the bill that would ban all new noncompetition agreements for workers in New York. A noncompete clause stops your employee from carrying out a particular action for a specified time after their employment contract has ended. Governor Hochul has vetoed a proposed law banning noncompete agreements, legislation that had the potential to disrupt years of labor law practice in New York. New York noncompete agreements are widely abused and overused. Most of them are not enforceable because New York disfavors them. On December 22, 2023, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul vetoed the bill that would ban all new noncompetition agreements for workers in New York. As we do in every session we passed a bill including miscellaneous economic development measures. Preserve competition in the retail gasoline industry.