A volunteer agreement is a contract between a volunteer and an organization. Thousands of volunteers participate in the delivery of court services statewide, helping to resolve disputes justly for the people of New Jersey.We welcome volunteer support from county residents (16 years of age and up) at these fun and rewarding ways to get involved and support the community. The undersigned desires to volunteer for Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty and its affiliates on one or more days supporting the mission of Met Council. Completing an online volunteer application is the first step. I have read the Volunteer Services Agreement and confirm that has my permission to participate as a volunteer in the program described for the. Region. (Date). You must provide documented evidence of any reason that prohibits you from completing your court-ordered community service for consideration. Is a non-profit established in 2017. A justice centered union, representing the public school employees who have made NJ public schools the best in the nation!