Non-compete agreements in Florida are legal tools designed to protect legitimate business interests, ensuring that businesses can safeguard their trade secrets. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in Employment Agreement and Business cases.Stay informed about Non-Compete Agreements in the workplace. Learn about your rights and responsibilities as an employer or employee with our helpful guide. We protect the rights of employees in West Palm Beach, Miami and Fort Lauderdale and throughout the state of Florida who are subject to noncompete agreements. Call the Florida non-compete lawyers at Scott Law Team in Jupiter, Florida and Jacksonville, FL. We advise and represent people in your situation. These agreements generally prevent employees from sharing certain information or working for a competitor for a certain amount of time. For an employee noncompete to be valid, the noncompete must be reasonably related to the line of business (i.e. , scope) of the employer. You can require new employees to sign an agreement not to compete.