On April 23, 2024, the US Federal Trade Commission voted 32 to finalize and promulgate a rule banning most noncompete clauses in employeremployee contracts. Major cities in Pennsylvania, such as Philadelphia and Pittsburg, would fall within lower county classes (ie, First or Second class).Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. Non-compete agreements are contracts between workers and firms that delay employees' ability to work for competing firms. While it is legal for an employer to require you to sign a noncompete, in general, noncompetes are not favored in Pennsylvania. U.S. Department of the Treasury. Cv00986E); ATS Tree Services, LLC v. Federal Trade Commission, et al. A noncompete clause may be part of the worker's employment contract or may be contained in a standalone contract. How do you get out of a non-compete agreement in Pennsylvania?