Visit our calendar to learn about upcoming drop-in volunteer opportunities. Individuals, organized groups and children under the age of 18 may volunteer under a current, signed Volunteer Agreement. (OF301a).As an active volunteer you may qualify for four different levels of service awards, which we will be presenting at the Annual Volunteer Banquet. Directly sign up for our current volunteer opportunities here and learn more about specific volunteer opportunities below. I have read the Volunteer Services Agreement and confirm that has my permission to participate as a volunteer in the program described for the. Region. (Date). First Name: Last Name: Academic Discipline, If Applicable: Seeking Academic Credit for Volunteer Service? Yes. No. Educational Institution: Academic Level:. Volunteer is an individual providing service directly to and under the supervision of the university with no promise or expectation of compensation. 1. Commitment: I commit to one (1) year of service and to the assignment and the scheduled day and time agreed upon with my coordinator. Just like the staff of Riverside Methodist Hospital, you are here to serve.