If your student chooses to perform service, there are options from which to choose to complete the service. To recruit, register, train, test and qualify hunter education program students.Volunteer represents that Volunteer is 18 years of age or older and is fully competent and authorized to sign this Agreement. This policy is designed to establish uniform requirements for screening and engaging volunteers interested in donating their services to Utah State University. Volunteer will sign up for positions or shifts on a flexible schedule during the Arts Festival. By initialing below, you certify that you have received training and understand the concepts discussed. If this is a group agreement, the leader is to provide the group name and attach optional form 301b for each volunteer or a complete list of group participants. All forms must be on file prior to the effective date of the volunteer assignment. (If volunteer is younger than 18). 1. If a Volunteer participates in distinct Volunteer Service activities, a Volunteer Agreement is required for each activity.