Virginia has enacted a ban on non-compete agreements for "low-wage employees. " If that applies to you, your non-competition agreement may be invalid.As a General Statement, NonCompete Agreements may be Valid in Virginia if Narrowly Tailored to Prevent Direct Competition. For a free case review or more information regarding noncompete agreements, call our office today at (202) 4498527 or fill out a contact form. Fairfax contract disputes lawyer explains how to get out of non-compete contracts in Virginia. Call (703) 865-6100 to schedule a consultation. Call (703) 722-0588 - BerlikLaw specializes in employment litigation and non-compete disputes. No employer shall enter into, enforce, or threaten to enforce a covenant not to compete with any low-wage employee. The presumption against the enforceability of noncompetition agreements generally is a matter of public policy in Virginia.