Virginia has enacted a ban on non-compete agreements for "low-wage employees. " If that applies to you, your non-competition agreement may be invalid.As a General Statement, NonCompete Agreements may be Valid in Virginia if Narrowly Tailored to Prevent Direct Competition. Virginia courts have upheld employment non-competes up to 2 years post-employment. No employer shall enter into, enforce, or threaten to enforce a covenant not to compete with any low-wage employee. Virginia now prohibits businesses from asking low-wage employees to sign any form of non-compete agreement. For a free case review or more information regarding non-compete agreements, call our office today at (202) 449-8527 or fill out a contact form. Noncompete agreements will be banned across the US for most workers. This new rule will start in August 2024, 120 days after the FTC announced it. Under Virginia law, a non-competition agreement will be strictly construed against employers including medical and other professional practices.