Compete in the sale of a business is legal in all 50 states. A noncompetition (or noncompete) clause is a legally binding provision that ensures a seller won't compete with a buyer postacquisition.Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. A noncompete is a clause that will be included in the letter of intent (LOI) or the asset purchase agreement for the sale of your business. On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a final rule (the Rule) that would ban almost all noncompetition agreements in the United States. Prohibit a business seller from competing in a similar area of work to protect intellectual property and customer lists or vendor relationships. Delve into the complexities of non-compete agreements for sales professionals. Understand the legal landscape, enforceability, and strategic negotiation. Noncompete agreements that arise from a sale of business are often easier to enforce than those that are contained in an employment agreement. There will likely be other terms in the contract that are equally draconian.