Essentially, noncompete clauses limit an employee's opportunity to excel in whatever skill or trade they're familiar with. In the economic wake of the pandemic, employers and employees alike face critical decisions concerning the use, application, and enforceability of non-competes.The FTC rule banning noncompetes, which would have affected many physicians, has been struck down and will not take effect Sept. Our law firm explains how under North Carolina law, your employment non-compete agreement may be invalid or you could be entitled to further compensation. New York noncompete agreements are widely abused and overused. Most of them are not enforceable because New York disfavors them. The Final Rule prohibits any business from entering into or attempting to enter into any postemployment noncompete clause with its workers. Did they ask you to sign a noncompete agreement before they'd give you the job? Employers are paying higher salaries because… it's harder to find workers and to fill jobs. Businesses often rely on noncompete agreements to protect trade secrets, limit employee turnover and stay ahead of the competition.