NachtLaw has experience litigating non-compete cases in both Oakland and Wayne county business courts. Church Church Hittle and Antrim examines three legal ways to challenge a noncompete agreement in Indiana.We frequently represent employees with non-compete agreement issues in New Jersey and New York, and we will work diligently to help safeguard your interests. Compete in Ohio is a contract between an employer and an employee that states that the employee cannot compete with the employer after termination. Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. We provide representation in business litigation matters relating to non-compete covenants that are being disputed or have been violated. The terms refer to employment with competitors within a time period that usually extends no longer than a year. As a business owner, it is well within your right to bring a non-complete clause issue to court to protect your interests. Wayne Wright. Abstract. Set up a course in just a few minutes.