A master supply agreement is a legal contract between two parties that consolidates two or more current contracts into one streamlined agreement. View a list of current term contracts and agreements, please click on the appropriate link below.A master purchase agreement is a legally binding contract between buyer and seller, and typically relates to buying and selling goods rather than services. The Dallas Morning News provides legal advertising services for the City of Dallas under a master agreement. The Comptroller's Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) develops statewide contracts for non-IT commodities and services to streamline purchasing. The University of Texas at Dallas has partnered with PaymentWorks to streamline the way we onboard suppliers and manage supplier information. The University of Texas at Dallas has partnered with PaymentWorks to streamline the way we onboard suppliers and manage supplier information. The Purchasing Department, a division of Supply Chain Management, is responsible for acquiring goods, services, and equipment to support UT Southwestern. Please Fill out a Survey.