The purpose of this agreement is to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between the Employer, the employees and the Association. Employees who qualify shall be eligible for promotions to fill vacancies in the bargaining unit.1.02 The parties to this agreement share a desire to improve the quality of the public service of Canada to maintain professional standards. CAPE tentative agreement. Respondents engaged in repeated and persistent illegality in the operation of Fulton. Part- time employee is an employee that is scheduled up to 19 hours per week. 7. Being declared ineligible to receive Fulton County funding in the future or award of other Fulton. Page 1. COLLECTIVE. BARGAINING. AGREEMENT. In the event of conflict between these rules and any collective bargaining agreement, employment contract, County ordinance, or state or federal law, the terms. Participate through collective negotiations in the determination of the terms and conditions of their employment.