This MASTER SALES AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions. Certificate of Interested Parties (Form 1295 – must be filled out electronically with the Texas Ethics.The information contained in this Standard. Document is specific to Texas and refers to the Uniform Commercial Code enacted under Texas law and not the model. This Master Sales Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between the buyer listed on the applicable Purchase Order ("Buyer") and Calimetrix, LLC. A master purchase agreement is a legally binding contract between buyer and seller, and typically relates to buying and selling goods rather than services. A Texas residential purchase agreement outlines the terms and conditions of an offer to purchase real estate. Should Buyer desire to purchase goods or services from Seller, Buyer will execute a separate purchase agreement in the form of a ("Contract"). This document reveals to the buyer information regarding the existence of lead paint in the residence. Purchase and Sale Agreement.