Chicago Title is a member of the FNF family of companies and the nation's largest group of title companies and title insurance underwriters. Once approved, the Governing Board President shall sign all purchase agreements for purchase or sale of real estate.A For Sale By Owner contract Arizona must include: 1. The Purchase Price, 2. Should Buyer desire to purchase goods or services from Seller, Buyer will execute a separate purchase agreement in the form of a ("Contract"). Recreational Facility at Paradise Valley Urban Park", for Maricopa County, on behalf of MCPRD. Dawn Noggle, MCSO; Barbara Broderick, Superior Court. Unless otherwise stated specifically in a Purchase Order, this Agreement shall apply to any and all transactions between Buyer and Company. 1. Definitions. Once the form is filled out and submitted to MCSO, the contractor shall be notified if approved and a jail access identification card will be issued. Click your county to see the Medicare plans available during open enrollment from October 15, 2024 to December 7, 2024.