Please ensure the name of these individuals appear in the designated section of the Master Agreement. An updated version of the Standard Contract Form is now available and should be used for all new contracts.Master Agreements (MA) are utilized when the County desires a list of pre-qualified vendors to perform various services, on an as-needed basis. A master service agreement (MSA) is a fundamental contract outlining the scope of the relationship between two parties. The Master Agreement allows DESE to execute a single Standard Contract Form with each grant recipient. The Recipient agrees to complete the Project within a reasonable time. ______ agrees that it and its employees that participate in the Recipient's Award, may not: Page 22. 18. FTA Master Agreement MA(24), 10-1-2017. Ii). The Contractor must complete its written ergonomic report and provide it to the JBE Project Manager within five (5) business days of completing the. Fill out the Details section.