The collective agreement for PSAC members in the PA bargaining unit is now available. The purpose of this agreement is to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between the Employer, the Alliance and the employees.Labor agreements have an impact on almost every action which involves employee wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. Collective agreement. Expiry date: June 20, 2025 ; Letter of agreement on remote work. Collective Bargaining Agreements: OEEA Merged Support Staff 2023-2026 AGREEMENT, OEEA Merged Teachers 2023-2026 AGREEMENT, BMEA Teachers 2023-2026 Agreement. Article 1: purpose and scope of agreement. 1.01 The purpose of this agreement is to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial. The official listing of all city and noncity delivery Post Offices, available to mailers in a standardized format. Low agreement in the type of change (2).