Through it all, our members never gave up! Our new collective bargaining agreement will bring a sense of stabil- ity to our school district.The Association recognizes that when the terms and conditions of this collective bargaining agreement affect in any way religious teachers or their communities. The school district and the teachers union have tentatively agreed to a oneyear contract extension to its current collective bargaining agreement. Time Visiting Lecturer Community College of Philadelphia Diversity Fellowship in the relevant discipline within the past five Academic Years. Teacher Contracts: How Does Philly Measure Up? The System will not discriminate against any teacher because of age, race, sex, color, national origin, union activity, and membership or non-membership in the. Teachers in Pennsylvania belong to unions, and each local union will negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the school district. The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers and the School District of Philadelphia announced a tentative oneyear contract extension on Wednesday. Section 4 Except as provided for in the Full-time Faculty collective Bargaining Agreement, ( e.g.