The master lease strategy, when structured with buyer and seller protections, can offer benefits to both parties and reduce many hurdles. Master leases are an absolute bond net lease where the landlord collects monthly rent and the tenant is responsible for paying all OpEx and CapEx.A master lease agreement is a contractual arrangement between two parties, typically a property owner (lessor) and a tenant (lessee). Master lease agreements and optimize your real estate management in Riverside. Learn the essentials and boost your property management now! A master services agreement outlines the legally binding terms that parties must follow for ongoing and future tasks, obligations, and responsibilities. A master lease agreement pertains to the leasing and subleasing of property, while a master service agreement pertains to the provision of services. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for the lease of Equipment between Lessor and Lessee pursuant to one or more "Schedules" And amounts through the final lease agreement negotiated between the. County and the tenants.