Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Sacramento City Teachers Association and Sacramento City Unified School District July 1, 2004 — June 30, 2011. Vacancies to be filled, within a program in the certificated employee's unit, shall be emailed to bargaining unit members' SCOE email addresses. When.A process for negotiating wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. CTA Policy Brief on Collective Bargaining​​ Because collective bargaining promotes educational excellence, all segments of education should employ the process. (SSC) provides a wide variety of collective bargaining support to the local agency and its bargaining team. 4) Completing any further activities necessary to accomplish the teacher's professional responsibilities. b. 835), the Judicial Council Employer-Employee Relations Act (JCEERA) established collective bargaining for employees of the Judicial Council. This is the SEIU-UHW Agreement, which covers all UHW-represented employees of.