Explore the essentials of Washington Real Estate Purchase And Sale Agreements. Use our free payment plan agreement form to spell out all the terms and conditions of a loan if you need to establish a payment schedule with someone.Detailed guidance on each section of Form 21. Effective July 1, 2023. A master purchase agreement is a legally binding contract between buyer and seller, and typically relates to buying and selling goods rather than services. Non-bank specific) version of the contract begins with Page 2 and includes all other contract sections (Sections B through J). An essential playlist for real estate professionals looking to master the intricacies of Washington State's real estate forms and contracts. Goods or Services – A payment plan created for a customer seeking to purchase goods or services with payments made over a short term (6-18 months). Prohibiting tobacco companies from distributing merchandise bearing the brand name of tobacco products. This guidance may help you determine which UW office to contact when presented with a draft agreement.