If you can afford them retracting the offer, then counter it. If you can't afford them retracting the offer, then accept it as-is.You can write to Hr Hello HR Team Thank you for extending me the offer of employment as the Digital Marketing Consultant of your Company Pristyn Care. Learn what a counter offer letter is, common responses to one and which elements to include in your response to candidates. To create an applicant account, go to Career Pages website and click on the Sign In tab, and then Don't have an account? Requirements: Texas resident, Texas ID, social security card, committed to 12 month stay, and drug free in recovery. State your counteroffer: In the body of the letter, clearly state the company's offer and your counteroffer and why you think it is justified. EDIT: Should I reach out to the person who sent the offer letter? I don't want to seem desperate but I also want this job. We offer a range of Gold, Silver and Bronze Marketplace plans with different coverage levels, deductibles and benefits to meet your needs.