Step-by-step application instructions - apply online to become a student at Contra Costa College in San Pablo, California! The following questions will be used to determine whether or not you need to provide parent or guardian information for the purposes of determining residency.To do this, you will need an email account, a PowerSchools account (this is set up during online registration), and the required documents ready to upload. Need help applying, signing up for classes, taking a tour, or learning about free tuition? Click the appropriate folder to see a list of forms and documents or use the search field to locate the document you are looking for. It mentioned in the application packet that within 1015 days, after application deadline, we should get an email regarding our eligibility. Should I got to Contra Costa College or Berkeley City College if I'm planning to transfer to a UC within 2 years? Org) or U.S. mail (CCJDS Admissions, 955 Risa Road, Lafayette, CA 94549). School (K-12) you are currently attending. Copies of diplomas should indicate your name, the name of the school, a specific field of study, and date of graduation.