Revisions to MassHealth regulations. To request an eligibility letter that cannot be located on this website, contact MassHealth.State elections; State primaries; Presidential primaries; Most local elections. Our video will help you with most letters and postcards you send domestically (inside the US), including US territories and military bases in the US and abroad. Follow these instructions below to verify your Massachusetts voter registration. After entering your information, read the statement and check the box to agree. A subpoena (pronounced supppeena) is a letter that asks someone who isn't directly involved in your court case to testify under oath about a specific topic. These forms, checklists, and letters are part of the Legal Tactics: Tenants' Rights in Massachusetts ebook. The RMV lists '1st class government mail' as an acceptable document for proof of residency. Offer letters are not required in Massachusetts, but many employers like to make a formal offer of employment through an offer letter.